Winter Wonderland

rsz_photo_2Snow, ice, and rain.

That was our first night in New York City, and it was truly awesome. Coming from a city where it doesn’t snow, and barely gets *that* cold, it was all new to us. Snow falling around us, wheeling our suitcases through the sidewalk slush, and the cold biting our faces. Luckily it was only 2 blocks from the train to our hotel.

Our first full day wasn’t too different, although the snow had eased off and the sun decided to show itself. We walked the 20 or so minutes we needed to, past Times Square and up toward Central Park. It looked amazing covered in snow, and we can only imagine what it would be like during the warmer months.

We jumped on a pedicab? pedibike? It was a small carriage thing with pedals! It was nice to get a tour of the park and get our bearings before heading back there in a few days time.

So we’re let off this bike(?) and given ten to wander around, check out the Bethesda Fountain in all its snowy glory, and while Sel was busy watching some performers under the terrace, who had beautiful voices I might add, I went up the stairs and started searching… searching for a cute little spot, just out-of-the-way, and free of people.

rsz_new_york_03mar2015_0123Then I found it. A small set of steps, still covered in snow. City in the background. Sel emerged from underneath the terrace.

“Sel, come over here!”

She walked over. I inconspicuously fumbled around in my jacket pocket. She came up the little stairway.

“What hun? What am I looking at?”

I still couldn’t find it.

“Oh nothing, I just thought it was a nice spot to take some pics.”

I fumble some more. Sel starts to draw a heart in the snow. Perfect.

I find it! The small little black felt bag in my pocket. I quickly turn around, pull out the bag, pretend I’m playing with my camera, open the bag, pull out the ring, throw the bag back in my pocket, hide the ring in my palm and turn around. Sel was still finishing the heart in the snow. Then she turned around, and I held out the ring…

photo 5

And there’s no way to segue this so… later that night we went to an ice hockey game at Madison Square Garden!


The tiny part of New York that we’ve seen already has been incredible. The sights, sounds, smells, and general vibe of the place is just non-stop, but doesn’t feel overwhelming. For a photographer, it’s a melting pot of light, texture, colour, people, weather… it’s everything rolled into one, and it’s constantly changing. I’ll throw up a photo post in a few days of NY, as well as our day trip down to Washington.

I’m putting up photos daily on Instagram so you can follow me there as well – there should be a link down the right hand side somewhere, otherwise look for @mickws.

As I post this, the snow is falling heavier and heavier. While some New York kids get the day of school, and their parents are contemplating a quick flight down to sunny Florida, I’m ready to head out with my camera again.

21 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland

  1. How utterly amazing! Far more thoughtful proposal than I received. 😉 Think it is ironically adorable she was doodling a heart in the snow! Congrats! I cannot wait to see the pictures, I have not been to NYC since I was like 9 years old. Hoping the snow lets up for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First off congratulations and there’s the saying, “it couldn’t have gone better if I’d planned it.” That’s how it seems for you. The quiet romantic setting, the drawing of the heart. Talk about fate. You two continue to enjoy it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! It looks/sounds like you had a great time in NYC. I haven’t been there myself and have always wanted to go, but I’d rather go in the spring/fall and not brave it during the winter. New York has some pretty nasty winters and having grown up in the American Midwest, I’m not a fan of that weather! Well done on braving the cold and snow! 🙂

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