The blogging peas!


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Before Sel embarks on her upcoming blogging adventure, my first instinct was to impart on her my advice about how to approach it. I know what you’re thinking,

“Mike, you haven’t reached 300 readers and your posts don’t get published elsewhere. You’re not exactly a blogging role model, are you?”

I admit that’s a sound argument and Sel is likely wondering what on earth I could tell her. However, during my short life as a blogger I’ve noticed a thing or two or three, and they all conveniently start with the letter P. Neat huh?

  • Patience

The biggest thing I’ve learnt over the past 12 months is to be patient. People won’t emerge from the woodwork to visit your blog straightaway, especially when it’s fresher than a newborn and you have little content. Be patient. ‘Build it and they will come’ won’t work for the majority.

  • Planning

Plan your design, content, and posting schedule. Not down to the smallest, most obsessive detail, but having a plan helps you find a rhythm so the blog runs smoothly. Planning also minimises anxiety. If you know tomorrow is a blog day, then you can do other things today and not feel guilty. And because you aren’t anxious, you won’t rush your posts, which will likely mean better quality. Win-win-win!

  • Posting

Post, and post often. Don’t let the blog sit dormant. If you can’t commit to regular posting, how can you expect others to commit to reading it? In combination with planning, this doesn’t mean firing off a hundred posts a month just for the hell of it as I’m hoping quality is still a thing, but the key is consistent posting.

  • Participation

Participate in the blogging community. Visit other blogs. Like posts (that you actually like). Comment and offer feedback, especially when requested. If you aren’t doing this for other people, how can you expect them to do it for you?

  • Persistence

Be persistent. Did you post an article that has so far received little to no attention? It doesn’t matter. Keep going. If it happens to all of your posts over a long period of time, then I would suggest stepping back to see why (i.e. maybe you don’t use tags?), but in the short-term don’t let minimal activity knock you down. Remember the point about patience?

  • Pleasure

Do you enjoy what you’re writing about? Because it comes through in most posts I read. If you struggle for readers, don’t feel like you need to change what you’re doing if it means losing the pleasure and interest you initially had. When I moved away from what I enjoyed writing about (for a short period) it was negatively noticeable in my writing, my content, and resulted in little attention. Your honesty will eventually shine brighter than simply writing about the latest trend or #hashtag.

  • Possession

Own your blog. Don’t treat it as a cheap scribble pad, thrown to the back of the cupboard, ending up dog-eared, torn, and mouldy. Your blog is the fancy-looking leather-bound journal that was lovingly bought for you by a special someone. It’s something you take great care of, look at often, write in often, and would be proud to show off to others. Treat your blog as a special possession, and others will too.

These tips apply to bloggers interested in expanding their readership. If you write for yourself and yourself only, with zero interest in other people reading your posts, these tips have no relevance. Also, there’s no factual basis behind this, rather I’m basing it on my own observations. When I follow these tips, I notice small spikes of activity. When I don’t, my blog becomes as quiet as a lonely flower blooming in the middle of a prairie.

Happy blogging!

17 thoughts on “The blogging peas!

  1. Good post. With my Habitat for Heavy Hearts blog I tend to schedule posts which is great for when you want to post on certain days and times, it certainly reduces the stress as you can often come back to a post before it goes live to tidy it up, add things you may have forgotten, add pictures etc.

    My other blog at Cognitive Reflection is something I am trying to incorporate scheduled posts to but I only have 2 scheduled so far. This was going to be originally used as a diary, unfortunately when I have done this in the past it often ends up as the cheap scribble pad that you mention.

    I often don’t know where to take it or what to write about, It cannot be the same as Habitat as that is pointless but in the past when I have done posts on new events for example they seem to fall very flat. I recently deleted all the posts on this blog and started again. I hope I can come up with other stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure you will. Ask yourself what the purpose of the other blog is, and see what content comes naturally. If you still struggle for something, maybe the second blog isn’t needed? Thanks for the comment!

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  2. that traveling nurse

    Oh the “P’s”… I’m writing totally off topic here but your post just reminded me of nursing’s “P’s”. When taking care of patients (that’s the first P) we have to think of the three “P’s”: potty, pain and positioning. So before we leave the room, we have this script: Are you having any pain? Do you need to use the bathroom? Do you need to be repositioned? Now you know. Anyways, yes, I agree with all your “P’s” too. Actually, you went missing a few weeks/months back did you? Thats ok, life happens. I missed your beautiful photos and I’m hoping to see more of them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, ‘P’ is the magic letter! Although potty and pain don’t sound quite as appealing! Yeah, the second half of last year I didn’t really post a lot – and when I did it was a bit all over the place. Rushed posts, odd times etc. It’s been nice to start afresh and get back on track this year! And thank you, I’ll definitely be posting more photographs.. maybe even a few from sunny Indonesia in a week or two 😉

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      1. that traveling nurse

        Well I thought you got married and went on your honeymoon, that sorta thing. That’s a perfect excuse to not be blogging. 🙂 But yes, Indonesia sounds great! Cant wait. Welcome back!

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  3. coopercamlong

    It’s always nice to read posts like this. I like to glean everything I can from writers when it comes to viewership, content, and development. Being new, I’m paying close attention to trends in my posts.

    Your post reminded me of a writing workshop of sorts I attended recently in my hometown. One of the points they made about being persistent was to set aside time to write and to keep writing even when you’re pushing certain stories to get published. Staying ahead of the game certainly is a help when you have hectic schedules or boughts of writer’s block.

    I thought this might be an insteresting tidbit for you and others to ponder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great point about writer’s block and something I regretfully left out. Writing ahead is certainly a massive advantage, because no doubt the block will strike from time to time. Thanks for the comment 🙂

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  4. Hey Mike! Great post! I must keep all those p’s in mind.

    I’m way behind in my reading – and writing – but trying to get caught up. I need the BIG P (patience) today more than any of the others; and I’m not finding it. Which is why I decided to get away from that which is necessitating it.

    I do have one suggestion for you though – find a good program that will allow you to watermark your photos. (I have to do it myself.) Several of my fellow pet bloggers have caught other people stealing their photos and using them on their own sites without giving credit where it’s due; heck, going so far as to claim the photos as their own. You have such gorgeous photos that I would hate to see them stolen by unscrupulous bloggers who really have no right to use them. Some of my pet blogger friends use PicMonkey. I believe that’s what I’m going to try, at least for now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’ve been trying to work out the best way to credit other photos. A number of photos I’ve used lately for generic posts are from other sources – but I’ve had trouble using the comment section of images to credit them (sometimes it disappears, sometimes it adds into the rest of the post). I’m going to start adding the credits somewhere at the bottom of the post and as you’ve suggested, start watermarking my own photos! Great idea 🙂

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  5. thanks so much for this….I may never take any of the advice but I sure do appreciate it. I started to blog for my own mental health after a huge medical problem…now i think I do it to make people laugh or look at their life and what’s going on around readership has become sort of an issue. I too have found that posting comments, suggestions or just plain feedback to other blogs gets one noticed a bit more. My biggest problem is a schedule..I tend to blog when an emotion hits me upside the head to get my attention and I just have to share or explode. I find I write more clearly (and with MUCH better spelling and grammar) when I schedule the blog though. cheers and thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate the appreciation! haha I tend to write whenever something hits and even if I have posts banked up for a while, at least then I can stick to some loose schedule without forcing anything. But blogging for the most part seems to be trial and error – although getting onto the Community Pool has so far been the most effective way of meeting new people and finding new blogs.

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